Yoganu is a space for men who want to practice naked yoga. In our classes, workshops and retreats we work together to promote physical wellbeing, build strength/flexibility, and detoxify the body, harmonising mind, body, and spirit.
Tantra is the awareness that everything exists is energy in different forms and that everything is connected.
The basic philosophy of yoga is that we are all divine/god/light, just as we are. Yoga is the state where we deeply experience this. A yoga practice is a set of disciplines/exercises to which lead us to this realisation, sometimes called enlightenment.
The main tools of Yoga are outlined in the Eight Limbs of Yoga as described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. At Yoganu we also work with other practices including Asana with partners, Mantra (sacred sound) and Mudra (energetic hand gestures or seals) to explore energy in different ways.
Eight Limbs of Yoga:
- Yamas – 5 ethical observances guiding how we peacefully live in the world.
- Ahimsa: nonharm
- Satya: truthfulness
- Asteya: nonstealing
- Brahmacharya: conservation/cultivation of energy
- Aparigraha: non-covetousness
- Niyamas – 5 observances to nurture personal growth.
- Saucha: cleanliness
- Santosha: contentment
- Tapas: heat – the process of releasing that which does not aid us
- Svadhyaya: study of sacred scriptures/sources of wisdom and of one’s self
- Isvara pranidhana: surrender to a higher power
- Asana – physical yoga. postures which promote physical wellbeing; flexibility, strength, and detoxification of the body. Asana is about giving the body what it needs, purifying the energetic body and preparing it for a sitting practice i.e. meditation.
- Pranayama – breathing techniques which connect us to our energetic experience, promoting harmony of mind/body/spirit.
- Pratyahara – the turning of our attention inwards, to deepen our awareness of own experience and find space away from the demands of the world around us.
- Dharana – focus and concentration. By strengthening our concentration and focus, we release the mind from meaningless distractions, opening space for deeper and greater awareness and perception.
- Meditation – exercises to still the mind, which help to de-stress from busy modern living.
- Samadhi – the bliss we experience when we let go into the divine universal consciousness.